中国运筹学会可靠性分会青年理事,国家自然科学基金函评专家,担任Reliability Engineering & System Safety,Computer and Industrial Engineering,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,IIE Transactions等期刊审稿人。
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■ 论文代表作
以第一作者及通讯作者身份在Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Applied Mathematical Modelling,Computer and Industrial Engineering, Journal of risk and reliability 等国际重要SCI期刊发表了多篇论文。近期代表作如下:
[1]Shuyuan Gan*, Hengheng Hu, and David W. Coit, Maintenance optimization considering the mutual dependence of the environment and system with decreasing effects of imperfect maintenance. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 235.
[2]Shuyuan Gan* and Nan Shen, Maintenance Optimization for a Production System Subject to Shocks Considering a Buffer Inventory and Production Defects Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023. 238.
[3]Shuyuan Gan*, Zhifang Song, and Lei Zhang, A maintenance strategy based on system reliability considering imperfect corrective maintenance and shocks. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022, 164.
[4]Shuyuan Gan*, Nooshin, Yousefi, and David Coit, Optimal Control-limit Maintenance Policy for a Multi-state Production System. Computer and Industrial Engineering, 2021, 158.
[5]Shuyuan Gan*, Xinzhou Zhang, and Lan Chen, Maintenance Optimization Considering Production Quality and Spare Parts Ordering for a Production-Inventory System. Journal of risk and reliability, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1177/1748006X211029152.
[6]Shuyuan Gan*, Zhifang Song. Reliability evaluation by a dependent competing failure model including a time-varying rate for sudden degradation increments. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2021, Doi: 10.1007/s13369-021-05438-5.
[7]Shuyuan Gan*, Bolun Wang, and Zhifang Song, A Combined Maintenance Strategy Considering Spares, Buffer, and Quality. Journal of risk and reliability, 2021, 235(3): 431-445.
[8]Shuyuan Gan, Zhisheng Zhang*,Yifan Zhou and Jinfei Shi, Joint optimization of maintenance, buffer, and spare parts for a production system. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(19): p. 6032- 6042.
[9]Shuyuan Gan, Zhisheng Zhang*,Yifan Zhou and Jinfei Shi, Maintenance optimization for a production system with intermediate buffer and replacement part order considered. EksploatacjaiNiezawodność, 2014, 16(1): p. 140-149.
[10]Shuyuan Gan,Zhisheng Zhang*,Yifan Zhou and Jinfei Shi, Intermediate buffer analysis for a production system. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013, 37(20-21): p. 8785-8795.
[11]Shuyuan Gan*, Xinzhou Zhang, Lan Chen, The Maintenance Strategy for Serial Machines Considering Intermediate Buffer and Different Spare Parts Replenishment Methods, The 2019 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Engineering and Information Technology.
[12]Naifei Ren, Yu Wang; Shuyuan Gan*, A Condition-Based Maintenance Policy (CBM) of Repairable Multi-Component Deteriorating Systems Based on Quality Information, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 27(1), 2019.
[13]Naifei Ren, Yu Wang, and Shuyuan Gan*, Condition-based maintenance strategy for stochastic degradation systems considering spare parts. 2019 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering.
[14]Shuyuan Gan*, Zhisheng Zhang, and Yifan Zhou, An Optimal Policy for Maintenance, Intermediate Buffer, and Spare Parts. 2013 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE). 2013: p.643-648.
[15]Shuyuan Gan and Chun Su, Inventory Control for Remanufacturing System with Stochastic Product Returns. The 16th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM). 2009: p. 802-807. (EI)
Email: gxganshuyuan@163.com