With the wide application of small electronic devices such as wireless sensor networks and intelligent detection systems, the low power threshold of electronic devices makes it possible to capture the weak energy of the environment and realize the self powered application of devices. As a potential innovation, energy collection technology provides power for the next generation of human technology in the information age.
Recently, Applied physics Letters, an international top natural index journal in the field of physics, published a research paper entitled "An enhanced galloping based piezoelectric energy collector with non rotating bluff body", which proposed a piezoelectric wind energy collector (BNRGH) based on non rotating galloping of blunt bodies. This structure can effectively prevent the change of attack angle caused by the self rotation of the blunt surface, avoid the amplitude saturation of the bluff body under high wind speed, and improve the overall output efficiency. It has great application potential in the fields of intelligent electronics, health monitoring, wireless self powered node network, etc.

Professor Sun Wan and Professor Ding Jianning of the Institute of Intelligent Flexible Mechatronics are the co corresponding authors of the paper, Professor Sun Wan is the first author of the paper, Professor Zhang Yue and Professor Cheng Guanggui, master students of mechanical engineering, are the co authors of the paper, Zhengzhou University is the cooperative unit, and the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Flexible Mechatronics of Jiangsu University is the first unit of the paper. This work has been supported by the National Natural Science Fund for Youth (52105101), Jiangsu Carbon Peak Carbon Neutralization Science and Technology Innovation Fund (BE2022022-2) and Jiangsu University Talent Funding Program (5501730000).

Fig. 1 Schematic Diagram and Schematic Diagram of Experimental Device

Figure 2 Comparison of system output performance
Link to the article: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0108765